Thursday 26 March 2009

our kids......

It is with heavy heart that I visit the kids at school today. They are having their practice for tomorrow’s recognition day. Kids as they are, have no idea on what their parents have gone through. Having been living apart from them for almost 3 weeks now, life seems to be full of misery and emptiness. For people who have children, children are everything. They are non-negotiable, priceless and most of all, precious to our sights.

What I felt this morning is not different. Being away from the kids is an agony. Shelu, my only daughter, was quick to see me. She ran towards me and joyfully passed on the very great news, she got the second honors. She was full of life and happiness. I’m sure of it because she is very close to me. We are almost inseparable. Every morning when she woke, she would always look for me. God! I missed my kids!!!!

My beloved bunso, chantee, had different response when he saw me. He really wanted to run towards me but he was sitting beside her teacher. He was hesitant, maybe because her teacher might not allow him to stand up and go anywhere else. But just the same, the smile on his face when he saw me touched my inner soul. Here’s my beloved son, waving at me, with his patented smile. The two kuyas, koko and Keith, just like ordinary teen age boys, never like the idea of kissing their parents in front of their classmates. While koko try to ignore, Keith approached me with is usual big smile and hugged me. I really missed them so much.

I just have to contend myself watching them during their practice. They giggle, chuckle with their classmates. How I wish their mother could see how happy they are as they mingle and play with the other children.

As I walked away from the stage where they had their practice, my mind flashes back to the night where Keith told me about his plans for the future. He really wanted to be a pilot, to fulfill his dad’s ambition. That one day when he will have family of his own, he would by a very big house where his mommy and daddy wall both live with them. It is his idea that the family he loves so much will stay closer than ever. I just can’t help but felt the tears from my eyes. I could not make his dream come true, for his mommy and daddy had separated ways. There are irreconcilable differences.

As I reflected these things on my mind, it brings me to the time when I am still a cadet. We cannot always have everything because life is never complete. It is the way of realizing that the somebody up there do remind us always to remember him always. For it is during these trying times that we bend our knees and simply ask for a little bit more time to hold on and move on.

Kids are our life. Without them, we lose the reason for living....

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